Step 1:
Download Grades.js
Step 2:
Load grade.js using mongo import
mongoimport -d students -c grades < grades.js
Step 3:
use students
Count Should be 800
Step 4:
Find all exam scores greater than or equal to 65
and sort those scores from lowest to highest.
Understanding Question:
1) it says that we need to find score greater than or equal to 65.
so we will use $gte so our query criteria will be
2) then it says to sort the score from lowest to highest.
for this we will use sort filter and it is query criteria will be
so our query will be
Note: to sort in ascending order use {"score":1}
to sort in descending order use {"score":-1}
first document in the result you will find the answer
3) optional : you can limit the number of rows, you will get only 1 document
by executing final query. so that you dont have to scroll.
Final Query:
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