Sunday, January 25, 2015

M101JS: MongoDB for Node.js Developers Homework 2.2

Step 1:
you need to download mongoproc

Step 2:
you need to find  a document with highest recorded temperature for each state and adds a "month_high" field for that document and set its value as true.

well i did manually and haven't write a  program

you need to find highest recorded temperature for each state.

so first get distinct of each state, using

then using
>{ State: "Vermont"}).sort({ Temperature : -1}).limit(1)

get the _id assoicated with it and plly with update query

>{ "_id" : ObjectId("54c48c740831934d31102f02") }, { $set : { "month_high" : true }});

do this for all state and then

on mongoproc test your result if it sucess then submit your answer

Saturday, January 24, 2015

M101JS: MongoDB for Node.js Developers - Homework 2.1

M101JS: MongoDB for Node.js Developers - Homework 2.1

Step 1:
Download Homework material

Step 2:
Import Weather Data using 
mongoimport --type csv --headerline weather_data.csv -d weather -c data

Step 3:
Validate your data using 
> use weather
> 2963

Step 4:
you need to find the state  that recorded the lowest temperature when the wind was coming from the west. (wind direction from 180 to 360). you need to get the name of the state.

1) you need to first find the record that has wind direction between 180 to 360.
Query : { "Wind Direction":{$gte:180,$lte:360}}

>{ "Wind Direction":{$gte:180,$lte:360}})

now we need to sort to find the lowest temperature, so you need to add sort in ascending order.

so add .sort({ Temperature : 1}) to above query.

so final query will be

>{ "Wind Direction" : { $gte : 180, $lte : 360}}).sort({ Temperature : 1})

now in the first row you can look for the state
you will get your answer as

New Mexico

M101JS: MongoDB for Node.js Developers - Week 2

hi friends,
i will start with week 2 introduction.

Week 2 of of m101js is related with CRUD operation of mongodb. you will learn following things
  1. Mongo Shell
  2. BSON
  3. Insert Operation
  4. find
  5. Field Selection
  6. various operator like $gt, $lt,regex,$or,$and,$set,$unset
  7. upserts
  8. multiupdate
  9. removing data
  10. Above Operation with node.js

Friday, January 23, 2015

M101JS: MongoDB for Node.js Developers Homework 1.3

M101JS: MongoDB for Node.js Developers Homework 1.3

Step 1:
Download the homework 1.3 material

Step 2:
Untar or unzip the material

Go to To unzip path

Step 3:
type command> mongorestore dump

Step 4:
on unix:
install driver of node.js for mongodb

npm install mongodb

for windows:

Now Run The application.

node app.js

you will get your answers
Hello, Agent 007.

M101JS: MongoDB for Node.js Developers - Homework 1.2

M101JS: MongoDB for Node.js Developers - Homework 1.2  

Step 1:
Download the homework 1.2 material

Step 2:
Untar or unzip the material

Go to To unzip path

Step 3:
type command> mongorestore dump

Step 4:
on unix:
install driver of node.js for mongodb

npm install mongodb

for windows:

Now Run The application.

node app.js

you will get your answers
I like kittens

M101JS: MongoDB for Node.js Developers - Homework 1.1

M101JS: MongoDB for Node.js Developers

HomeWork 1.1: you need to import handout material using mongo restore

  • Download the HomeWork Material.
  • unzip or untar the above folder
  • go to terminal or cmd with unzip path 
  • type mongorestore dump
  • note: dump is  folder name
  • after running the command you will upload all the bson data into mongo.
Now To validate your answer type in cmd:
>  use hw1_1
> db.hw1_1.findone()

        "_id" : ObjectId("51e4524ef3651c651a42331c"),
        "answer" : "Hello from MongoDB!"

so your first week answer is

 Hello from MongoDB!